
Yes, he was a rough diamond 💎 🤣💜💜

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Simone, I love these words, "I have learned through exploration more than trying to fit into a pre-determined squeeze of mandates." Amen!! We all grow and learn and become in our own, unique ways. It doesn't matter how we get there, just that we do!! Thanks for sharing!! XO

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Hi Danielle, Thank you , 🤣 I am laughing because that is my favourite line. Thanks for reading ... and being unique ❤️

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I love that!! Awww. .you're my peeps. 😘, we think alike.

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Nanny Shirley and I second CJ’s sentiment here. Thank you . There’s high resonance on all of your work, I’ve already let you know, but as someone who stumbled onto a spiritual path naturally I appreciate this even more. I’ve been stumbling along feeling quite alone for much of my life and I feel most at home here. With you Simone and writers like CJ


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💜 Like attracts like ... and I keep stumbling ... and that's ok ... for all of us. Nanny Shirley ... see, she is confirming ... holding your hand as you stumble and bump into yourself ... your be-ing. How lucky are we — to know our 'team'.❤️. Thank you Kristin 🙏

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Once again, Dinahh and I sincerely thank you for your gentle support. Your posts continue to amaze me, Simone. They are filled with Conscious Awareness and the Truths your soul remembers and shares, as always, wash over me as a warm and peaceful 'knowing'. I learn humility from your teachings. I learn undying love from your "Team's" cooperative sharing. When I read your posts, I am again reminded that there is One Universal Truth, but many ways for us to be shown its richness. It's like a diamond with many facets. They all reflect the same light and yet the light is reflected differently ---the Consciously Aware are all a facet of that diamond, the One Universal Truth. Namaste, dear lady, Namaste.

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Thank you C.J 🙏. I love the diamond analogy. After John died l sent 500g of his ashes to Switzerland where they put in some chamber that grows it into a real, diamond, 💎 . It took months, they create the conditions in which diamonds are formed, except they come out a shade of blue depending on how much carbon was in their ashes. So, l have John, a rough cut diamond in a band of yellow and white gold to represent the sun and moon. 😂

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That’s a novel and touching idea what to do with a loved one’s ashes. After all, what are each of us, if not a perfect diamond in the rough? You have a tangible keepsake as a reminder for looking at and remembering the good days when you were together.

Thank you for sharing that with me.

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Hi C.J, sorry I couldn't reply in word earlier, re our time differences and needing to get ready for work etc. yes, the ring brings me comfort, I spin it around on my finger and often find myself holding it. At other times, I just glance and say hello. All human responses of course, but that's ok. I accept I am in my human form, and despite other energetic connections with John, I permit my human-ness now. BTW, he knows about the ring ... he relayed that through Moira of course. He went on about the process in detail ... he was a student of chemistry🤣. Anyway, hope you had a great day.💚

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Am just beginning my day with coffee and Robert (my favorite part of the day). Thank you for your expansive talk about your ring. I think I can understand and I’m glad you have that connection with John. I’ve learned there are many things unexplained that we may never have the answers for.

I was addressing that very thing in my post today. I was instantly immersed in Awareness, even before I understood what that was, It coincided with Robert entering my life again after nearly 50 years.

Ahhh, the mysteries of the Universe!

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Good morning C.J, my coffee time now. I have about an hour to read in this space before work. Glad I am only working this 5 days this week, I couldn’t do it any more … too tired. Anyway, I love your Universe post because I love the mystery of it all because i think we re not meant to know tit all. i love it when something new is offered. 😊

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So many ways C.J. 😉

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